Twelve years have past and what was true then is true today. It was a day that changed America. It changed the way we travel, it made changes in the way we gather, it made changes in the way we think. 9/11 was a horrible murderous act of terror brought to our doorstep. It set in motion a war to hunt down the architects of the crime and it provided the fear that would allow the country to let itself be led into another war. 9/11 is a day to be remembered. It's a day we can't forget.
On this day, twelve years later, there are many memorials, many remembrances, more stories are written, individuals post their thoughts on twitter. One can imagine that it will be like this every year for many years to come.
There were many posts making the rounds on Facebook today linking 9/11/2001 to 9/11/2012. These posts were making the case that the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon are in some way similar to the tragic events in Bengazi last year. Yes, they are indeed both terrorist attacks. The assault on the consulate that left four men dead including an American ambassador was a premeditated act of terror carried out by Islamic extremists. That is without doubt exactly how to describe the attacks of 9/11. The 9/11 we remember from twelve years ago.
9/11 has become a term over the past dozen years. When you say 9/11, people know exactly what your talking about. That's why I think it is wrong to try to attach Bengazi to this term. Bengazi has a strong political undertone to it. There are many who want to put blame for Bengazi in the lap of the President. Or, they want to hold Hillary Clinton personally responsibile. This is differnt than 9/11. Tragically, 9/11 brought the country together. There was overall support for President Bush's decision to take the fight to Afghanistan. Bengazi separates the country. Bengazi, in a way, shows us where we are today, twelve years later.
There are those screaming for President Obama to be impeached over what happened in Bengazi. This, after Senate investigations reveal a tragic event but no specific wrong-doing that led to the attack. Bad things can happen in bad countries. Ronald Reagan found this out when he left a company of marines in a barracks in Beirut. However, there are those who just want to accuse. And, there are media outlets that will continue to fuel this debate, insisting the President and the State Department did something to cause the attack.
So, we can remember Bengazi. It should not be forgotten for the tragedy that it is. However, I'll remember 9/11 as 9/11 and how different it made the whole country feel.
Sadly what we used to call a "sense of decorum" has been lost. In the effort to politicize, polarize and call attention to "Me! Me" those who offer no solutions simply feel a need to tear down. It matters not that it is inappropriate to link these two events together. As long as some are tearing down and attempting to humiliate this particular President, the feelings of those who lost their family members in both of these tragic terrorist attacks don't seem to matter - you know, that sense of decorum that says "hey, don't use their deaths to make a point". It's sad and demoralizing.
I think you missed the Benghazi issue. What infuriates people is the lie about the cause. Hilary Clinton saying it was due to a video, when they knew darn well that it was a organized coordinated attack. Clinton has the gall to say to a victim's family member that "We're going to get the people who made this video". Just a sickening lie to obfusticate the situation prior to an election.
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